
Amanda Freeman

Software Engineer


Party Pup

A full-stack web app for arranging puppy playdates. Solo project, built in two weeks, during which time I taught myself Angular 5.

Technologies Used: Angular 5, Materialize CSS, AWS, Javascript, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Knex


A full-stack social media app for sharing recipes with friends. Built in a week on a team of four people.

Technologies Used: PostgreSQL, Knex, Node, Express, Javascript, HTML, CSS


A full-stack holistic wellness tracking app that "gamifies" wellness. Created in a week on a team of three people.

Technologies Used: React, D3, Firebase, Javascript, HTML, CSS


A front-end app for finding dog-friendly restaurants and bars near you. Solo project, built in a week, and my first full app built with Javascript.

Technologies Used: Javascript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX, Yelp & Google API's

About Me

Born and raised in Austin, I've acquired several tattoos and have a passion for craft beer and tacos; I even named my dog Taco! In my free time, I love finding cool dog-friendly places to hang out with my pup, whipping up fun recipes from my favorite food blogs, and taking care of my rapidly growing collection of houseplants.

I first got into coding as a teenager when I discovered kisekae or KiSS dolls (paperdolls for your computer). I started making KiSS dolls, realized coding was more fun than drawing, and taught myself HTML/CSS to build websites for my dolls. The KiSS community died, but my love of coding remained, and when the opportunity for a career change came up, web development was a natural choice.

One of my favorite parts of software development now is working through problems with my teammates. It's really fun to work with a team to identify the "what if's" in a project, with everyone contributing ideas to address them. I also enjoy turning design prototypes into actionable UI's, because there is nothing more satisfying than taking a static image and turning it into something people can actually use.



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